Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008

August 2008, 20th - 31th

National Gallery, Jakarta

Artist Talk; Workshop; Performance

curated by Institute of PerformArt

Paulo Sergio da Silva a ka PAULO NAZARETH


20th – 26th

  • "Campuran Asli dari Leluhur"
Monas Park [Taman Monumen Nasional]
Sunday Morning, 24th







Mestiço autentico Made in Brazil
Sou eu exótico a seus olhos
Mereço algo por isso?

Os Aimorés, antepassados dos krenaks viveram por um tempo próximo ao litoral do sul da Bahia e norte do Espírito Santo , com a invasão portuguesa se deslocaram, caminhando, para o leste e norte de MG. A mãe de minha mãe, filha de krenak, se deslocava caminhado com minha mãe nos braços, em direção ao Rio Doce quando foi pega e internada em um Manicômio em Barbacena. Os Krenaks quando deslocados ,pelo Regime Militar, para uma fazenda penitenciaria em São Paulo retornaram caminhando até Governador Valadares, onde pegaram o trem para casa. Divino Gonçalves, irmão de minha mãe se deslocava caminhado para diversas partes do Brasil, não possuía carteira de trabalho assinada e tinha medo de ser preso por não pagar pensão alimentícia ao filhos, não sei exatamente quando o vimos pela ultima vez. Quando criança me deslocava caminhado da periferia à escola primaria no centro de Governador Valadares. A mãe da mãe de meu pai migrou da Itália para o Brasil e nunca mais retornou a terra natal. Sobre os homens negros de minha família, pais dos pais de meus pais, não sabemos de onde exatamente vieram.Os emigrantes de GV quando vão para os EUA muitas vezes tem que atravessar a fronteira do México caminhando pelo deserto. Em diferentes lugares me desloco da perifer
ia para o centro, do centro para a periferia, periferia para a periferia. Sou eu uma mistura de diferentes etnias. Pelo que sou ou pelo que faço, sou eu um homem exótico em seus olhos?

The Aimorés, krenaks tribe’s ancestors, lived for a long time near the coast of southern Bahia and north of Espirito Santo,after the Portuguese invasion they went,walking, to east and north of Minas Gerais. My mother’s mother, krenak’s daughter, moved walking with my mother in arms, toward Rio Doce when she was handle and admitted in a insane asylum in Barbacena city. The Krenaks when displaced by the military regime, to a prison farm in Sao Paulo,they returned walking to Governador Valadares, where they took the train back to home. Divino Gonçalves, my mother’s brother walked moved to different parts of Brazil,he had not signed work’s agreement and he was afraid of being arrested for not paying pension food to children, I don’t know exactly
when we saw the last time. As a child I walked travelled to the periphery of the primary school in the centre of Governador Valadares. The mother of my mother's father migrated from Italy to Brazil and never returned to their homeland. About the black men of my family, parents of my parents’s parents,we don’t know exactly where came from. Governador Valadares`s emigrants to the U.S.A. as they often have to cross the Mexico’s border, they walking in desert. In different sites I travel the periphery to the centre, centre to the periphery, the periphery to periphery. I am a mixed of different ethnicities. For that I am or for that I do , am I an exotic man in your eyes?

Aimorés, nenek moyang krenaks hidup untuk waktu dekat pantai selatan Bahia dan sebelah utara Minas Gerais, dengan serbuan Portugal pergi, pindah ke timur dan utara Brasil. Ibu dari ibu saya, anak perempuan krenak, tetap berjalan dengan memeluk ibu saya ke lengannya, menuju Rio Doce dan bekerja dengan baik ketika diterima di rumahsakit jiwa di Barbacena. Krenaks kalau digantikan oleh rezim militer, ke perkebunan penjara di Sao Paulo kembali ke Governador Valadares, di mana dia menarik kembali kereta api ke rumah.
Divino Gonçalves, saudara laki-laki ibu saya berjalan berpindah hingga ke bagian-bagian berbeda di kawasan Brasil, dia belum menandatangani jabatan kerja dan takut ditangkap karena tidak membayar jatah pensiun makanan untuk anak-anak, saya tidak tahu persis kapan terakhir melihat beliau. Sebagai seorang anak saya berjalan pergi ke perbatasan ke sekolah dasar di pusat Governador Valadares. Ibu dari bapak ibu saya pindah dari Itali ke Brasil dan tidak pernah kembali ke tanah air mereka. Mengenai laki-laki hitam keluarga saya, orangtua dari orangtua-orangtua saya, kami tidak tahu persis dari mana datangnya. Emigran Governador Valadares`s ke Amerika Serikat sewaktu mereka sering harus menyeberangi perbatasan Meksiko , mereka pun berjalan di atas gurun. Di tempat berbeda saya mengelilingi perbatasan sampai pusat, pusat ke keliling, keliling ke keliling. Saya adalah campuran dari suku-suku yang berbeda. Untuk itu saya ada atau untuk itu saya lakukan, apakah saya adalah seorang laki-laki eksotik di mata anda?

[translated by Paulo Nazareth]

  • "for see things on the sea, only"
24th, Sunday 3-5.30pm
from Galeri Nasional Indonesia to the beach Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa [Kapal Bugis] by walking with 'sandal' [Portugis word, material from 'latex' chich is came from Brasil-Amazone] and make a 'bangku' [Portugis word] on the beach

  • "Duren" [durian for Donna Mus]
26th, Tuesday
4.30pm to 7.30pm
from Galeri Nasional Indonesia - DAMRI airport-bus
to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport - check in room



124th – 31st

Santo Klingon, Ayi Noe, SS Listyowati

20th – 31st



[gratis & terbuka untuk umum]



Carrie Morris [USA]


Selasa, 2 September 2008 [sore]


Galeri Nasional Indonesia


Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 14

[seberang Stasiun Gambir]


Info: AppreRoom – 086217292179